delivered at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lawrence on April 8, 2018
I want to talk about two events that took place last week. The first
is Passover and the 2nd was the 50th
anniversary of the death of Dr. King. Hopefully at the end I'll be
able to bring the two pieces together.
Passover is the commemoration of the exodus from Egypt, the end of
slavery and the beginning of freedom. I say the beginning of freedom
because although in one very important way the Israelites are freed –
they are no longer in servitude – in another way they are just
getting started.
haggadah – the ritual guide to the seder service – talks about a
conversation between two rabbis, Shmuel and Rav. They're study
buddies, and in the rabbinic tradition argumentation is an important
means of getting at spiritual truth. So the question is, is slavery
in the Exodus story a physical thing or a spiritual thing? Are we
talking about actual, physical slavery – working without recompense
– or are we talking about spiritual slavery, which Rav says is idol
worship that our ancestors did before they came to the realization of
the one God. And of course the answer is, both.