Before this amazing season fades into
memory, I want to get on paper (metaphorically) three thoughts I've
been having about the Royals.
1- How I became a Royals fan
I grew up a hardcore Mets fan. I can
still remember who wore various numbers in the 70s and 80s.
In the 90s two things happened. First,
I lived in Israel for four years, when the internet was just getting
started, and I kind of lost the thread. Second, I met and married a
girl from Kansas City. I started following the Royals so I would have
something to talk about with her father. I used to call her brother
during the All Star Game when the one Royal representative made an
appearance. I traveled to Baltimore from Philadelphia a couple of times
to see the Royals play the Orioles. Over the course of time we moved
here, and it's become more of a hometown to me than my real hometown.
I had the misfortune of picking up the
Royals just as they were entering the hell years. They were usually
out of contention by Memorial Day. The Mets had also often sucked
when I was a kid, so I was used to it. And the band of Royals fans in
those years (now linked by Twitter) were a hardy bunch.
But everyone, including me, has now
rewarded in spades for our fortitude by what's happened over these
past couple of years. Speaking of which...
2 – Bandwagon Fans
When I was back east the hardcore fans
used to resent it when the team got good and people who usually had
no interest started following along. Metsie-come-latelies, we called
them. They made it harder to get tickets and in two weeks when the
fun was over they would go right back to arbitraging their
derivatives or whatever it was they did the rest of the time.
You never hear anything like that here.
The city got behind this team in an amazing way, especially
over the
last couple of months. They broke their record for home attendance;
the TV ratings were through the roof; and of course yesterday
hundreds of thousands of people descended on downtown KC for a Royal
Most of those people were
not among the 15,000 die hards who attended games during the hell
years, but who cares? The Royals' run through the playoffs brought
the city together in a way probably nothing else could have. I drive
Uber on the weekends, and there were people in my car who you know
didn't know a bunt from a sac fly, but they knew the score of the game
and exited the cab with a “Go Royals!” It was like a mood
elevator for the city – municipal Prozac. I wasn't resentful, I was
excited, and I guarantee you every long-time Royal fan felt the same
Actually, the concept of
“bandwagon fan” was brought up by one person in my car. I asked
him where he was from, and he said, “St. Louis.”
3 – Shut up.
But that doesn't mean there
aren't killjoys, both in and out of town.
My father wrote me to say
that I should be more concerned about economic concerns in Kansas
than about the Royals.
A number of people posted on
Facebook that if as many people voted as went downtown yesterday it would make a big difference.
One of my environmental
colleagues asked why 1% of those who attended yesterday can't come to
a climate change rally, to be heard on an issue that 'really
One of the rabbis in town
had a letter in the paper today decrying the fact that the schools
closed yesterday to allow teachers and students to attend the parade.
To all I say – shut up.
It's not just that you're
trying to be buzzkills when everyone is in a state of happy reverie.
It's that you're wrong. This is not simply some frivolity that has
captured the attention of the community to the detriment of other
issues. Civil engagement is important. Feeling like a community is
important. Feeling good about the city you live in is important.
People who attend such an event may now feel that they have an emotional
investment in the city and the area that they didn't feel before.
They may realize, if they hadn't already, that in many ways - more than just in baseball - Kansas
City is, indeed, a major league city.
And as far as school is
concerned – every kid who went yesterday, or watched on TV, will
remember this a lot longer than they'll remember another lesson in multiplication tables or sentence diagramming. And they'll add the day to the end anyway, like a snow day.
So double shut up to you.
Go Royals!
Wow. This is a beautiful take on the story of the Royals' win. Thank you so much! I'm proud to call KC my hometown, even though I've lived in Israel almost 50% more time than I lived in KC. Doesn't matter. Enjoy the good feeling. It gets all the way over to here.
ReplyDeleteDead on, Moti. And to add to the "Shut up!", I'll say it since modesty prevents you: there are few people of my acquaintance who have their eye more firmly and constantly on the ball of fighting the good fight for the environment, human rights, etc. than one Moti Rieber. I think you can take some time to enjoy the life you spend so much of on others.